Seven Midwestern Reasons to Move to Florida - 4 reasons winter in fl

Seven Midwestern Reasons to Move to Florida

There’s a lot to appreciate about the Midwest region of the United States. It’s the birthplace of automobiles, America’s dairy-land, and the home of iconic cities like Chicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis-St. Paul. And, Old Man Winter. But cold weather isn’t the only lure for Mid westerners curious about relocating …

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Continued Pleasant Weather this Winter - Brazilia courtyard feature

Continued Pleasant Weather this Winter

According to a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the winter of 2016 should be nice and mild for Florida, exactly how we like it.  While that forecast is specific to a certain calendar year, warm and dry Florida winters are the norm here rather than the …

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5 Reasons to REALLY Love Florida - granada bridge

5 Reasons to REALLY Love Florida

Okay, we’re biased. We live here. And, we think you’ll agree that the beaches, year-round warmth, sporting and entertainment options make Florida a super place to be.  But, making the decision to move to the Sunshine State may require a more detailed checklist than the above. Let us help you …

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Just a Few Reasons to Fall in Love with Florida - silouette couple beach

Just a Few Reasons to Fall in Love with Florida

We don’t mean only seasonally. While autumn’s transitional lower temperatures, harvest festivals and softer sunshine is a splendid time to live in the state of Florida, the three other seasons on the calendar are equally remarkable here. Wouldn’t you like to spend them all in the Sunshine State? If you’re …

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