10 Reasons To Buy A New Home Instead of a Resale

We’ve seen model center traffic increase quickly over the past few months as interest in purchasing a new home continues to rise.

Here are just some of the reasons you might want to consider buying or building a new home this year!

1. Customization – One thing some home buyers find frustrating with buying a resale is that they find themselves settling for less than they wanted initially. Building a new home gives you complete freedom to create and modify the floor plan of your new home. This allows you to live in a home that will fit your personal lifestyle. We don’t think it should be the other way around.

Model Center2. Lower Environmental Impact – Today’s new homes are much more environmentally friendly. From energy efficient home appliances and lighting, programmable thermostats and more, building a new home will guarantee not only the latest energy efficient features available but also decrease your carbon footprint by a few sizes.

3. Lower Operating Costs – Sure, those new appliances are great to look at but perhaps the best feature of the latest energy efficient appliances is the benefit of lower operating costs. We live in the age where almost every appliance in your home is energy efficient and as you may already know, the higher the efficiency, the lower your operating costs will be. Using your heating and A/C system in your home accounts for 50 to 70 percent of your home’s energy. By building a new home, you can ensure that your home has been properly insulated which can significantly lower your heating and cooling costs.

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4. Lower Insurance Rates – Due to higher construction standards and stricter building codes, new homes cost less in general to insure than older homes. Just ask your insurance agent for details.

5. New Home Warranty – In the rare case something does go wrong, in a new home you’re backed by a new home warranty. It’s a sigh of relief when help is just a click or a phone call away. Every new ICI home is covered by the one of the most comprehensive home warranty programs in the marketplace today. For homebuyers, an HBW VI warranty safeguards your largest single investment, and protects you against unexpected repair or replacement expenses.

6. Financing Incentives – Builders, banks and mortgage lenders sometimes offer great financing incentives for new home buyers. Call your favorite lender or ask your sales associate what they can do for you.

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7. Safety – New homes require stricter construction codes to help ensure the safety of you and your family. From Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) that prevent electrocution, to garage door openers with infrared beams which stop if a tricycle or child is too near, and less toxic building materials making it easier for you and your family to breathe. You may not be 100% sure what you’re getting with a resale.

8. Wired for Sound (and Everything Else) – It’s what’s on the inside that counts – and when it comes to a new home, it really does matter. Most new homes come “plug and play”, and are wired with today’s high-speed, highly-connected consumer in mind.

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9. Helping Hands – When you buy a resale you’re pretty much on your own to navigate the process unless you’re working with a realtor. When you buy a new ICI home we’ve got your back. Our team of designers, sales associates, etc. will guide you through every step of your home building. ICI Homes believes in a “hands on” approach with all of our new home buyers offering custom changes by experienced design professionals that help make decisions for the homebuyer easier and surprisingly within their budget.

10. Better Neighborhoods and Amenities – ICI Homes has been building homes and communities for 30 years and we’re not afraid to say that the communities we’re building today are better than the ones we built 30 years ago. Our team of highly skilled architects, interior designers, builders and craftsmen are constantly learning about the latest techniques and combining new education with their years of expertise to create communities that align with our customer’s lifestyle preferences.


If you’re interested in learning more about building your new home with ICI Homes, fill out our contact form or call us at 844-349-6401.