Parade of Fondues

Dinner and a show! This year for Parade of Homes you can pair the occasion with yummy fondues. In tribute to our 3 divisions, North Florida, East Florida and Central Florida, we have a parade of 3 fondue recipes compiled by Emily Ellyn, Food Network Star competitor.

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Protecting Patios of Florida Homes - patio poolDSC 2328 29 30 31 fused e1714751037348

Protecting Patios of Florida Homes

While there is plenty of sunshine in Florida, thus the nickname, during the summer there also is lots of rain. The nearly daily downpours provide some nice cool evenings, but they also add to the wear and tear on the patios of Florida Homes. The patio ICI Homes provides you will be of top quality construction, but you have to maintain it. Here’s some tips of protecting your patio.

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Brighten Your Florida Home with Summer-Ready Flowers - hanging basket

Brighten Your Florida Home with Summer-Ready Flowers

As a proud owner of a new Florida home, you’ve likely noticed that summer brings some serious heat! While the intense sun and humidity can be challenging, it doesn’t have to spell disaster for your garden. With the right selection of flowers, your outdoor spaces can thrive in the heat and keep your home looking vibrant all season long.

Here are a few heat-loving flowers that will add color and charm to your Florida landscape this summer:

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