Renting vs Buying: A Comparison - ICI Wakulla 4440 1 2 3 4 5 6 tonemapped

Renting vs Buying: A Comparison

Tough question, isn’t it? Some folks fall squarely on either side for very legitimate and often personal reasons. Where you find yourself in life also might affect whether you choose to rent or buy. Then there’s that wild card called the economy, which affects us all. But, absent current variables, …

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The Things that Make a House a Home - AM11SunsetF web

The Things that Make a House a Home

Sounds like a cliche, right? It certainly could. However, acclimating to a new Florida residence involves more than admiring your granite countertops each time you flip on the kitchen lights. If you’re considering a move here, design choices are merely the first of many important considerations that can help create a …

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Top 12 Questions to Ask Your Builder - Drywall Installation web

Top 12 Questions to Ask Your Builder

Communication is critical in any successful business transaction. Having your new Florida home built to your satisfaction is no different. Finding the right builder can feel daunting, but all it requires is a willingness to research. Knowing what to ask prospective builders and how interpret their responses, will help you …

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