What Are the Stages of New Home Construction? - New Construction homes

What Are the Stages of New Home Construction?

Building a new custom Florida home follows a prescribed process, with many contributors performing unique roles along the way. It resembles a symphony — with heavy equipment! You might not know this if you’ve never been through a build process, so we at ICI Homes are sharing a cheat sheet …

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Why It’s a Good Idea Not to Wait to Buy - Blog 1

Why It’s a Good Idea Not to Wait to Buy

Given the never-boring United States residential real estate market of the past few years, it’s understandable if potential ICI Homes customers might consider pausing on the purchase of a new custom Florida home. Flexing prices, inflation, interest rates and an ongoing longterm national housing shortage can feel like big stop …

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Should I Buy a New Home? - Blog

Should I Buy a New Home?

Should I buy a new home? When this question comes up and your present abode no longer fits your life or lifestyle, and you’re ready to trade up or move on, one of the first questions to ask is, what do you want to buy? There are innumerable answers, depending …

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home construction loan

How Do New Home Construction Loans Work?

There are numerous paths to the new custom Florida home of your dreams, and while they all involve a financial transaction, you have more options than you might think. Most of us buy our homes via a loan. The array of choices can be overwhelming, especially for first-time home buyers. …

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Can New Construction Home Prices Be Negotiated? - Can New Construction Home Prices Be Negotiated

Can New Construction Home Prices Be Negotiated?

Can New Construction Home Prices Be Negotiated? You can’t know unless you ask. Yes, it’s cliche, but don’t be afraid to ask if you’re searching for a new custom Florida home from ICI Homes. Our sales associates — online and on-site in the master-planned communities we develop and where we’re …

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Are New Construction Homes Worth It? - New Construction

Are New Construction Homes Worth It?

When you’re searching for a new custom Florida home in today’s evolving residential real estate market, you’re probably comparison-shopping, number-crunching and glued to industry websites. One question you might be asking is whether it’s worth it to buy a new construction home. It’s always good to ask. Only you know …

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Costs of Homeownership

What are the Ongoing Costs of Homeownership?

If you’re a homeowner, you likely remember the closing process that transferred your new home from the builder and/or mortgage lender to you. You probably also remember the closing costs. They’re sizable, and planning ahead makes paying them a much smoother experience The same goes for the ongoing costs of …

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What is the Timeline for Building a New Home?

What is the Timeline for Building a New Home?

Homebuyers who decide to have their new custom Florida home built from scratch know the process won’t be like waving a magic wand. But they do know the end result will be a new home that reflects their lifestyle and design preferences. That’s well worth the wait. And waiting is …

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What are CDD and HOA fees? - Untitled design 5

What are CDD and HOA fees?

Homeowners in most master-planned communities usually pay one or both of these common types of residential fees in addition to monthly mortgage payments and living expenses. It’s a good idea to know about them before you begin the search for your new custom Florida home. You can set your purchase …

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real estate market

Insights into the 2024 Real Estate Market Trends and Forecasts

In the vibrant tapestry of the real estate landscape, understanding market dynamics is crucial, especially for those looking to navigate it effectively. ICI Homes, a premier custom homebuilder in Florida, stands as a beacon for potential homeowners and investors alike, offering unique insights and opportunities in this fluctuating market. Let’s …

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