The Evolving American Dream: Comfortable Retirement Living in Central Florida - Bocce Ball Players Retirement e1714749927195

The Evolving American Dream: Comfortable Retirement Living in Central Florida

The white picket fence – a place to call home; this was the American Dream of the Greatest Generation (born 1901-1945). Their dream was to own a small plot to raise their children and create stability from the volatility of their parents who crossed oceans to come to America. Time are definitely changing. The American Dream is evolving and the beauty of Central Florida plays a huge roll in the new dream.

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How to Find the Perfect Florida Community - Egret II GH FB e1714750241945

How to Find the Perfect Florida Community


It’s often said that everything in real estate boils down to “location, location, location,” but that can be awfully vague guidance if you are trying to figure out which master-planned community in Florida is right for you.

With all of the options available across the state, finding and choosing which community is the best fit for you can be a difficult task.

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Why So Many People Are Retiring in Florida - Florida retirement e1709588849535

Why So Many People Are Retiring in Florida

Last winter you declared you’d shoveled the snow off the front walk for the last time. You’ve retired from your job and the kids have all moved away, so there’s nothing keeping you there. It’s time to consider moving to a Florida home.