Signs You’re Ready to Build A New Home -

Signs You’re Ready to Build A New Home

It could be over-stuffed closets spilling into hallway floors. Perhaps piles of inspirational home-and-garden magazines. Hours of digital “Pinning,” or “liking” on social-media and design websites. However the new-home itch arrives, it often does so in very specific forms. Here are a few ways you know you’re ready to build …

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What's a Punch List? - Construction Electrical web

What’s a Punch List?

Don’t feel badly if you don’t know. Most new-home buyers aren’t super-savvy about construction terms and procedures and we at ICI Homes are happy to help. A punch list details all items in a construction contract that must be completed. These can be spelled out in a contract, but usually …

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Choose a Hurricane-Ready Home - Study e1714749824714

Choose a Hurricane-Ready Home

Potential damage from a tropical cyclone might be the last thing you want to consider when searching for your new Florida home, but it should be a primary concern. Here’s why: good planning = peace of mind. Florida’s natural beauty and gorgeous climate stems from its tropical setting amid the …

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Living in a Green Home - AdobeStock 96796609 web

Living in a Green Home

Eco-friendly building construction is no longer a novelty. “Going green” is becoming a more popular choice in the housing industry because of its positive impacts on people and the planet. Since choosing a green home means being kind to the environment and the folks who live in that home, what …

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Five New Home Building Tips - ICI Egret II 1277 1

Five New Home Building Tips

Deciding to build a new home can feel like these two extremes — either flinging yourself headlong into your first bungee jump, or being gifted with a surprise (big-time!) promotion at work. On one hand, you’re terrified. On the other hand, you’re thrilled. That same cold sweat or adrenaline rush …

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To Build or Not to Build - Construction Safety

To Build or Not to Build

That is the question… You knew it was coming, right? Forgive us. But what if the Bard himself — writer William Shakespeare — faced the same housing dilemma in 16th-century England? He likely would’ve conducted the same back-and-forth consideration that you, a prospective Florida homeowner, may face. Similar to the …

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Garage Size Never Enough - vanderbilt ext garageDSC 6542 3 4 5 6 fused web

Garage Size Never Enough

What’s in your current garage? Everything except the vehicles you own? “Ouch,” you may say. No matter how valiantly homeowners resolve to keep their garages cleaned out, there’s always that extra tool, storage container or piece of sports equipment that fits best in the garage. And — as with interior …

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