Home Prices on the Rise

Recent housing indexes have shown single-family home prices are on the rise, providing more evidence that the “bottom” of the market is already behind. “We’re wiping out just about all of the decline,” Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors, told NBC.com about recent housing data showing home prices …

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Hurricane Season

Hurricane-Ready Homes

While we acknowledge there really isn’t a hurricane-ready home, since no one is really ready for a hurricane, you can at least count on your new Florida home withstanding the fury of a hurricane better than ever.

5 New Home Building Tips

Building your new home is always an exciting chapter in life, but it can also be challenging. Here are some tips to help you through this process. Tips to Building a New Home: 1. Location-Location-Location The most important thing in building a new home is deciding where you want it …

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