The Evolving American Dream: Comfortable Retirement Living in Central Florida - Bocce Ball Players Retirement e1714749927195

The Evolving American Dream: Comfortable Retirement Living in Central Florida

The white picket fence – a place to call home; this was the American Dream of the Greatest Generation (born 1901-1945). Their dream was to own a small plot to raise their children and create stability from the volatility of their parents who crossed oceans to come to America. Time are definitely changing. The American Dream is evolving and the beauty of Central Florida plays a huge roll in the new dream.

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Is it Really the Time to Buy? Part 3 of 4

We are seeing many signs that point to a market recovery. Another sign of a housing market upturn are record breaking low mortgage rates, that are starting to rise. Read part 3 of our 4 part series that showcase the reasons why the time to buy is now.