Outdoors in Daytona Beach

Let’s Explore the Outdoors in Daytona Beach

If you’re a new Daytona Beach-area resident, you might not realize how easy it is to explore conservation lands here. Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? Especially when the “World’s Most Famous Beach” is home to some of the state’s highest-powered tourist attractions? Daytona Beach’s home county of Volusia also contains some of the …

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unique Tampa museums

Five Charming Niche Museums in Tampa

One of the perks of living in a major metropolitan area is the cultural offerings. Entertainment, theater, music, art galleries, exhibits and museums will keep you learning as long as you’d like. But sometimes the smaller museums pack just as powerful a cultural punch. They might be a bit off …

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Daytona Beach Bridge Workouts

A Workout Guide to Daytona Beach’s Bridges

If you’ve moved to the east central Florida coast from hillier terrain and require some workout elevation, local bridges are your solution. The Daytona Beach area offers five tall, multiple-lane bridges across the Intracoastal Waterway. Each bridge’s height guarantees huffing and puffing without drawbridge interruptions, and one bonus of incorporating …

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