How Can I Get a Better Mortgage Rate? - mortgage rate 1 e1702501914824

How Can I Get a Better Mortgage Rate?

Wondering how to get a better mortgage rate? Start here to learn how to get one! Your credit score is critical if you intend to purchase your new custom Florida home via a mortgage. That’s the route most folks choose, and boosting your credit score also boosts your options for …

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What Type of Mortgage is Right for Me? - mortgage 1 e1702498720895

What Type of Mortgage is Right for Me?

If you’re asking the question “What mortgage is right for me?”, you’re likely ready to do some financial homework ahead of buying your new custom Florida home. It’s a smart question even if you’ve bought a previous home. As with most significant long-term purchases, our priorities and circumstances can change …

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Mortgage News You Can Use - 275 incentive 1 91 1

Mortgage News You Can Use

Unless you’re a financial whiz, or someone in your immediate family or circle of friends is, the intricacies of buying a new home can be overwhelming, especially for first-time buyers. Add an uncertain economy and Wall Street doings, and the overwhelm can lead to frustration. But fear not — buying a …

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