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4 Reasons why a Spec Home Might be your Best Choice

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Prospective Florida home buyers have as many preferences as there are creatures in the Atlantic Ocean. We get it. We’ve matched innumerable buyers with their perfect housing dreams over the years and we love doing it every day. Over the years, we’ve garnered a bit of wisdom that might help if you’re beginning a new-home search. To start, what kind of home buyer are you?

Perhaps you’d like to design your new home from bare lot to completed castle. Perhaps the only decision you want to make is choosing the perfect move-in-ready home. If the latter scenario has you nodding and thinking “that’s me,” consider buying a spec home.

Here’s a little Home Buying 101 if you need it (haven’t we all at some point?): a spec home is simply the builder’s inventory — the completed homes or nearly completed homes ready for a buyer. With a spec home, no major decisions are involved, except picking your perfect home. After that, you only need to decide where to display your stuff.

Need more guidance? Here are four reasons a spec home could be your perfect match.

You should have moved yesterday

The career, family or financial relocation impetus has you on a ticking clock. The new job starts in six weeks. You sold your old home much faster than you anticipated. Renting a temporary place and paying to store belongings while you build a new home doesn’t add up for you. A ready-and-waiting spec home negates that ticking clock.

You’d rather go to the beach

Maybe you’re just not into dealing with construction details. The thought of prolonging any relocation prompts an internal, “ugh.” The thought of a turn-key solution prompts cartwheels.

You’re a perfectionist (it’s okay!)

Micromanaging your builder isn’t okay, for you nor the folks attempting to bring your dream home to life. In a spec home, you’re given a blank canvas ready for your color and design flourishes, where you can practice your perfectionism to your heart’s content… and remain friends with your builder.

‘Design’ is a dirty word

If color chart makes you cross-eyed, and the question, “tile or hardwood,” floors you, take a deep breath. Experienced ICI Homes designers know the colors and elements that work best in spec homes, so you don’t have to sweat the choices, yet still can live in style.

Spec-home buying sounding like a smart choice? Click here to get started. It’s easy at ICI Homes. Browse our selection of move in ready spec homes available in each of our communities.
We like to go to the beach, too.

Move in Ready Spec Homes at ICI Homes

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