When Do I Sell My Home? Tips to Consider - When Sell Home

When Do I Sell My Home? Tips to Consider

NEWS FLASH: there’s no perfect time of the year to put your current home on the market. There are seasons when going to market can be easier, depending on your geographical region, but the truth is there are no blanket absolutes. It all depends on the home you’re selling, where …

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How Does My Loan Type Affect My Appraisal? - couple loan agreement web

How Does My Loan Type Affect My Appraisal?

You might think all appraisals are the same, but a buyer’s choice of financing has an impact on the process. It can affect who can perform the appraisal, the minimum health and safety standards the house must meet, and the cost of the appraisal. Appraiser qualifications Not all appraisers can …

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Mortgage Gift Funds

Mortgage “Gift Fund” Etiquette

Etiquette experts agree that giving someone a gift of cash for a birthday, graduation, or wedding celebration is commonplace. But, did you know that it’s also common to receive a gift of cash for a down payment on a home? In fact, in 2017, the National Association of Realtors Profile …

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