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Is Summer a Prime Home Buying Season?

Florida Custom Home in Summer

If you need or want to buy a new custom Florida home for whatever viable reason, summer can be the best time of year to do it.

Is summer a good time to buy a home?

That’s regardless of what’s happening in today’s residential real estate market. Sometimes our priorities dictate our timing, not market conditions or headlines. On the other hand, if you have the flexibility to plot your move, circle those vacation months. Either way, it’s always helpful to make a measured decision based on solid research.

So, forget financial news, interest rates and other people’s opinions. Historically, spring and summer are the top buying and selling seasons for home buyers, and there are good reasons why.

We at ICI Homes offer some of those below.

Warmer summer weather helps buyers and sellers

Why? It can be as simple as having more energy and enthusiasm following the winter months. Another reason is the tradition mentioned above. Real estate professionals know spring and summer months will be their busiest, and can help you game-plan it.

Add today’s digital tools and up-to-the-minute connectivity, and you have a strong recipe for selling your existing abode and nabbing that new custom Florida home.

Better moving conditions

For most of us, it’s a more pleasant experience in warmer weather. No slogging through winter weather.

That usually means less chance of weather delays. Moving-van arrivals, garage sales, open houses at your existing home, all have a better chance of staying on schedule when you’re not dealing with ice, snow and winter storms.

Summer Sight seeing while on home search

Go ‘sightseeing’ for your new home

You can google and web-surf MLS listings to your heart’s content. But there’s nothing like checking out a potential new town, neighborhood and home in person, if possible.

How? Summer is vacation time! Combine a summer vacation with some house hunting, especially if you live out of state or in another part of Florida that requires hours of travel to reach the areas where you might buy a new custom Florida home.

Schedule all the fun vacation activities you enjoy, but also a different kind of sightseeing. Treat your possible new town like a vacation spot. Explore the shopping, dining and services options. Find the schools. Drive the commuting routes.

That’s a productive vacation!

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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