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What is the Timeline for Building a New Home?

What is the Timeline for Building a New Home?

Homebuyers who decide to have their new custom Florida home built from scratch know the process won’t be like waving a magic wand. But they do know the end result will be a new home that reflects their lifestyle and design preferences.

That’s well worth the wait. And waiting is a silver lining for most of us who choose to build rather than buy our new custom Florida homes. The construction timeline gives us a runway to prepare for the move, which is a good thing.

So how long can we expect to wait? Here’s more on the timeline for building a new home.

What is the Timeline for Building a New Home? - AdobeStock 349643745

Approximately eight months

Note the word “approximately.” Building can take less or more time depending on many factors in today’s residential construction industry. But as mentioned above, it also gives you time to clean, declutter and sell your current home. Not to mention important tasks like scheduling a moving van and perhaps cross-country travel to your new town.

That eight-month construction timeline is the ideal time to get it all done. Then when it’s time to close on your new custom Florida home, you’re ready to load that moving van and go!

Waiting is the hardest part

Especially when you’ve just completed the search for your new home, its financing (cash or mortgage approval), the contract-signing process, and the visit to the ICI Homes Design Center to select all your design materials and paint colors.

Because of that, a construction timeline may feel like it takes forever to get going. But once all materials are ordered, permits are procured and site prep begins, it can go faster than you think.

Your contribution? Keep an open mind, stay flexible, and in communication with your builder. Also be aware that a few hiccups are probably inevitable, like material delays or inclement weather.

And the best part of the construction timeline process is that you get to be a part of it too.

Which leads us to…

What is the Timeline for Building a New Home? - AdobeStock 2517577Attend construction update meetings

There’s no better way to track the building progress than on-site meetings with your ICI Homes builder. This can take place digitally if needed, but it’s always a plus when you can be on-site.

Your builder will walk you through the site, explain items and answer your questions. That person also will update you throughout construction, often sharing photos and videos.

Take notes and ask questions

Don’t forget to take photos when you’re on-site. It’s always fun to look back, and you may want to build a digital or hard-copy album of your home’s construction.

Also keep a handy list of questions so you can make the most of your construction meetings.

Once your home is complete, your builder will meet you (or your representative) for a final walkthrough, showing you the finished product and allowing you make a list of things that may need additional attention.

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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