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Using Outdoor Design Elements Indoors

Using Outdoor Design Elements Indoors

Outdoor living is a major factor for many people who move to Florida. They anticipate lounging on lanais year round rather than only in warmer months, so outfitting those spaces probably occupies a lot of thought. Using Outdoor Design Elements IndoorsBut, have you considered using some relaxed outdoor design or furnishings inside your new custom Florida home? We at ICI Homes aren’t advocating glamping in the living room — although if that’s your decorative vibe, go for it! Instead, we encourage you to maximize attractive, durable pieces such as outdoor rugs.

These elements can function as well inside as they do on your porch or patio.

Here’s how to bring outdoor design elements indoors.

Look underfoot

Thanks to cutting-edge materials, outdoor design elements such as rugs can look as stunning as Aunt Edna’s priceless heirloom. And, they’re a lot tougher.

Not only can outdoor rugs complement your décor — often in natural materials such as jute, cotton and sisal — they’re often much easier to clean. These can be headache-savers for active households and those with young children.

Try an outdoor rug under a dining table or in kids’ rooms. It won’t be fazed by wet bathing suits and exploding-volcano science projects. Nor by an activity room where messy crafts are constructed, and drink spillage may accompany TV viewing.


This one’s obvious if you enjoy fresh blooms and greenery.

Your new interiors can be perfect for more fragile plants that would struggle outside in full sunlight and warmth. Think African violets, Christmas cacti, orchids and ferns.

Many of these varieties require a more temperate, consistent environment. So where better than a bright spot in your new home office, cozy reading nook, or a sunroom like the one in our popular Cameron floor plan?

Not houseplants

How about a miniature tree instead?

A bonsai tree is a very small version of real trees like junipers, elms, ficuses and the like. It’s an ancient method of training tree and shrubbery seedlings to grow in pots.

Most garden centers and nurseries carry potted bonsai plants that only require you to find a good indoor location to feature this tiny beauty, plus monitor it for occasional watering.

Finally, for the non-green thumbs, artificial greenery is a real option. We don’t mean the dusty, papery corn plant in your doctor’s waiting room.

Today’s high-quality artificial greenery is made of life-like materials and textures that can make it difficult to distinguish the real and the fake. If you didn’t know a plant wasn’t real, you might have to pick it up and examine it. Using outdoor design elements indoors doesn’t mean you need outdoorsy skills!

That’s what you’re going for, and perhaps only in small doses. Have a low-light shelf or countertop that isn’t a great option for a real plant, but could use a perk of green?

Try an artificial succulent like an aloe plant or cacti. That small bit of potted cheeriness will make you smile just like the real thing!

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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