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Differences Between a Builder’s Sales Associate and Outside Realtor

Differences Between a Builder’s Sales Associate and Outside Realtor - realtor builders sales associate

Seeking a new custom Florida home can feel intimidating for first-time buyers and even seasoned homeowners who haven’t been through the process lately.

We at ICI Homes are happy to help banish the trepidation. Any topic can trip all of us if we’re unfamiliar with it, so today we’re tackling the distinctions between a builder’s onsite sales associate and an outside Realtor.

“Do what?” you say?

Stick with us, even if you’ve exhausted Google. While online digital resources can be an ally, there’s nothing like going to the source for answers. We’ll solve this mystery and hopefully help you move one step closer to becoming a confident, first-time home buyer.

Here’s more on the differences between a builder’s sales associate and an outside Realtor.

They do the same things

Builder sales associates and outside realtors are all licensed Realtors. Their primary function is helping their customers buy a home. It’s that simple.

Both builder sales associates and outside Realtors know the local residential real estate market. This includes current and emerging trends and what’s selling (or not). They use this knowledge to help customers narrow their focus to homes and communities that suit those customers.

These professionals also have an array of industry tools and resources that keeps their knowledge up-to-date. They know their stuff, which means they can help you learn what you need to know, in order to make a confident home-buying decision.

For example, if you’ve never gone kayaking, chances are you won’t strike out on your own without proper guidance from an experienced kayaker (we hope you won’t). You’d likely visit a reputable outfitter, take beginner’s lessons, then make your first attempts alongside a guide.

Builder sale associates and Realtors work similarly. They’re there to guide you.

They often work together

Since both builder sales associates and Realtors must sell homes, they frequently cross paths.

Buyers use outside Realtors to help them find a home, whether that’s a resale or new construction. Once a Realtor knows a customer’s parameters, they can gauge interest in new construction.

A good outside Realtor knows the skinny on all new-home communities in his or her area, plus, the builder sales associate(s) working those communities. They can accelerate a home search by introducing their customers to those sales associates.

Builder sales associates also know Realtors, and that those professional relationships are another source of potential customers for their new communities.

Their focus is different

Here’s the key distinction between a builder’s sales associate and an outside Realtor:

A builder’s sales associate is dedicated to selling homes in new-build communities (or custom built homes on your lot). Outside Realtors help you find a home within a region or municipality, including the resale market and new-build communities.

Put another way, builder sales associates are experts in their communities and in the new construction homes offered by the builder they represent. They often can refer you to other new communities by the same builder. However, they usually can’t help you purchase a home in a community that the builder they represent is not building in.

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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