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Shopping List After Moving In Your New Home

So you’ve moved into a new home and conquered all those cardboard moving boxes. Some of what came out of them may not look all that great against a fresh backdrop. Or, you’re over that 25-year-old stainless steel cutlery and not putting in a new kitchen drawer. If you’re like most of us, moving can prompt both urgent and spur-of-the-moment purchases once you’re settled in your new abode. Here are items that frequently top those post-moving-day shopping lists.


Your family will never part with that comfortable leather couch and Aunt Janie’s heirloom china cabinet goes wherever you go. You even got out the measuring tape to ensure those pieces fit your new floor plan. But, despite game-planning what to take to your new home and what to sell or donate, that plan can change once your existing furniture sits amid new surroundings. Some pieces may be the wrong size. Those familiar colors and upholstery patterns suddenly look too familiar. And, you’re not alone. More people buy furniture than any other item after move-in.

Window Dressing

New windows are a great excuse to buy new curtains, shades and valences. Unless you know exactly what you want and stockpile supplies before you move, wait a few days after you move in to determine how to cover your windows. You may discover you need sun shades in some rooms, or only light curtains to pull at night in other rooms.

Kitchen Supplies

Like dated furniture, gadgets, cookware, drink-ware and dinnerware might need to be replaced once you use and see your old stuff in a new kitchen. Many home buyers do exactly that.

Laundry Supplies

Is that wicker basket you’ve had since college finally disintegrating? Did you forget the ironing board? Does your new laundry room contain enough space for delicate clothes to air-dry on hangers? Oops — not enough hangers. Time to go to the store.

Bathroom Supplies

Unless it’s something you treasure — the antique porcelain dish that corrals all toothbrushes, paste and dental floss — you’re likely ready for new towels, mats, cloths and bathroom containers. Especially if your new home sports a different decor than your previous home.

Home Office Supplies

You may not have had an office before, so it’s the perfect occasion to splurge. Bookcases? Filing cabinets? Even a new laptop, desk or chair?

Garden Supplies

Your new home probably contains space for such things! Plus, if you like tending your own grounds (or paying the kids to do it), you might need to refresh your arsenal. This can include a lawnmower, garden hoses, new pots for plants or hedge trimmers.


Ever need to hang a curtain rod and not realize you need a stud finder until you’ve banged too many nails in wrong places? Make sure you have the tools for simple household installation tasks — hanging art, or paint brushes to erase movers’ black marks on your baseboards, for example. If you don’t have a tool box, buy one and stock it with basics such as hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches. A step stool and ladder are helpful too.

Pet Supplies

You might have an area to give dogs a bath in your new home, or a nook that your builder created for the cat’s litter box. If not, you likely now have room to assemble your best friends’ needs all in one place. Stock up!

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