Trapped between a current home that’s not selling and the new Florida home you’d like to purchase? It’s a common scenario. Most of us need to sell our old residences before buying new ones and sometimes it’s simply not a fast process. To help, we have tips for your stalled selling situation. If you haven’t listed your current home, try a few of our tips before you do. One tip or a combination of several may help you find a buyer faster. If your current home is languishing on the resale market, something below might help you jump-start buyer interest.
Don’t Over-Price It
We all want every dollar we can squeeze out of a sale, but pricing your home beyond current market parameters for your neighborhood and town is a ticket to selling stagnation. Research listing and selling prices for homes similar to yours. Be certain the listing price you choose, falls within those ranges, yet leaves room for negotiation.

Don’t Upgrade the Wrong Things
Huge, expensive renovation projects before you go to market won’t guarantee you’ll get your money back when you sell your home. Instead, focus on quick fixes — the kitchen faucet that needs replacing. A fresh coat of paint. Polish the floors. Pay special attention to lightening up your interior. A home with lots of natural light and brightness appeals to many buyers. Wash windows, drapes or curtains. Let the sunshine in.
Do Upgrade the Kitchen
The old saying that the kitchen is the heart of the home rings true. A pleasant and stylish kitchen can be the tipping point to selling your home (as long as you remember that nothing is a guarantee). We know buyers often overlook potential sale barriers such as dated flooring or landscaping if the kitchen is spotless and appealing. So, make sure your kitchen rocks. Upgrades can be as simple as new cabinet knobs and nonslip rugs, or as extensive as a complete redo. If you opt for the later, this is the one area where you can reclaim most of your expenses via your home’s listing price.
Selling your current home is the perfect excuse. De-cluttering also presents a cleaner, more streamlined environment for potential buyers. Excavate and organize closets, cabinets, shelves and tabletops. Showcase how much storage space you (currently don’t) have.
We know you love your family, pets and mementos. But, potential buyers prefer to see a clean, neutral space where they can imagine their lifestyle and belongings. The key is showing your current home to its greatest advantage, not as a stage for you or your family. Another hint: ask someone to dog-sit or cat-sit when your house is being shown. Having Fido and Fluffy underfoot might not help your selling cause. Why? Consider the litter box. Or your dog deciding to dine — and slurp water and sling dog food — while potential buyers are in the house.
Do Make a Great First Impression
It’s the only one you’ll have. We all remember first impressions best and so do buyers. Keep your home in showing shape at all times. The vacuum cleaner sprawled forgotten in the family room isn’t the first thing you want a potential buyer to see.
Once you’re ready to pursue a new Florida home, ICI Homes can help. Click here to begin.