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Celebrate the Holidays While You’re Still Moving In

Celebrate the Holidays While You’re Still Moving In - ICI Belaire DSC 9137 38 39 40 41 42 43 tonemapped

So, the moving boxes collided with those major end-of-the-year holidays.  You’re thrilled to be in your new Florida home, but the interior looks like a cardboard canyon while the calendar says it’s time to decorate and throw parties. Follow us to discover how you can survive a major transition AND still enjoy wearing the red felt cap you made in third grade.

If you can find it.

Decorate Outside Your Home

The interior may be a complete mess, with only beds, televisions, necessary toiletries and kitchen equipment in current use. But, find the boxes that contain holiday decoration or purchase new ones to compliment your new home.  String flashing lights. Blow up 10-foot-tall snowmen balloons. Or, keep it simple by hanging evergreen wreaths and tying an all-weather bow on your exterior lamp post. Not only will exterior decorating make you and everyone in your household smile, it can serve as a subtle — or not-so-much — announcement to the neighborhood that someone new has arrived.  Inside, clear space for a Christmas tree or other favorite seasonal decoration. You’ll be glad you did.

Throw a Housewarming Party

Get ready to hear the word “party.” A lot. It’s the best way to plunge into the holiday spirit and take a break from relentless unpacking and putting away.  “Are you nuts?” you say.

No. We know you may not have room to walk from the front door to the kitchen because of moving chaos, but a housewarming party allows you to show off your new home to friends and family. And, a housewarming means guests may arrive with housewarming gifts. Not that you’re throwing a housewarming party to get more stuff to unpack and put away. A pizza party and libations from the local brewery in your new town are all you need to be festive. Plus, plenty of napkins. And room to sit cross-legged on the floor.

Potluck Your Party

Ask everyone else to bring the food and drink to your holiday gathering. You provide the brand-new setting, of course. A few stainless steel utensils are helpful. So is eggnog.  This is a great way to celebrate if you’ve tossed the last moving box in the recycling bin. It’s also perfect if you’ve barely unpacked and paper plates are the temporary china.

Theme the potluck — Ghosts of Potlucks Past. Can you imagine the crockpot dishes?

Throw the Newest Neighborhood Party

This requires a little bravery, but it’s also the fastest route to meeting your new neighbors. Obviously, it helps if you’ve been in residence a little while, perhaps attended your first homeowners association meeting. Or, if you know a few people in your new neighborhood who’re willing to spread the word: party at the Newcomers.  What better way to get to know your neighbors?

If you’re in the market for a new Florida home no matter the season, connect with us at ICI Homes. Click here to begin.

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