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Be Ready to Buy in Today’s Competitive Real Estate Market

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Anyone contemplating buying a new home these days should know up front that it’s a very robust and competitive real estate market.

Even though we’re still navigating a global health crisis, Be Ready to Buy in Todays Competitive Real Estate Marketresidential real estate continues to be a booming sector as people all over the United States resolve to pursue a dream home, move to less crowded regions with more temperate climates, and to prioritize healthier lifestyles.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t find your new home. We at ICI Homes offer several important tips below. They’ll help streamline your home-buying goals, especially amid so much competition from other buyers doing the same.

Build rather than buy

This is the best way to get the new custom Florida home you want, especially in a competitive real estate market. If you’ve begun researching existing homes for sale, you probably know it’s a seller’s market, which means more buyers than available inventory.

Don’t get trapped in bidding wars! Buying a home site and building the customized floor plan that’s right for your household negates that seller’s-market hassle.

You’ll wait during the building process, but that gives you time to plan your move and sell your existing home, should you have one. Then you get play the seller’s role!

Get pre-approved for a mortgage

Before you do anything else.

Unless you’re a cash buyer — big fist bump if you are — this is how most of us roll with new-home purchases. Being pre-approved establishes your budget (you don’t waste time with homes that aren’t a match), and saves time.

Find an inventory home or home site that’s perfect? Move on it immediately instead of rushing to get pre-approved and hoping a cash buyer doesn’t swoop in with an instant offer.

Pro-tip: this is especially important in a competitive real estate market, but you should always make getting pre-approved for a mortgage your first step. Regardless of if it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market when you start your home search.

Then, do all your research

Once you’re pre-approved, figure out which ICI Homes community is a great fit. We’ve built custom Florida homes all over the state for more than four decades. You’ll find us in the greater Daytona Beach area, Jacksonville, Gainesville and the Tampa Bay region.

Start with our website, which is stocked with 3D virtual tours, photo galleries, interactive floor plans and much more. Contact our experienced online sales staff, who can offer more information and connect you with ICI Homes community sales associates.

Much like mortgage pre-approval, you’ll know what you want and where, your purchase budget, and important info about the surrounding area. And you’ll have much less hemming, hawing and debating to do.

Which leads us to…

Don’t be afraid to make quick decisions

In today’s competitive real estate market, the home or home site you were touring today might not be there tomorrow.

You may have to decide quickly to go contract once you find the perfect inventory home or home site, but if you’re prepared, it’s not a big deal.

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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