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Use Springtime Inspiration to Refresh Your Home

Living room with springtime inspiration

Springtime can be an inspiration to refresh your home. A change of seasons always brings new weather, even though year-round warmth is a hallmark of Florida living. The energy, colors, and brightness of spring often inspires us to clean out, spruce up and embrace freshness. So, let’s allow it to inspire us around the house.Use Springtime Inspiration to Refresh Your Home

It doesn’t matter if you just moved into your new custom Florida home, or have enjoyed it for a while. We at ICI Homes are sharing some fun ideas on how you can tap into that springtime vibe. These range from creative brainstorming to applying a wee bit of elbow grease. All you need is your attention and a sense of fun.

Here’s how to use springtime inspiration to refresh your home.

Re-arrange the furniture

Got an awkward space or not enough of it? You can make it work! If you’re unsure how to tackle it, scan online resources or magazines for design solutions. Set a timer (so you don’t lose two hours) and research. Odds are someone has dealt with a similar issue, then shown it off on social media.

When you have a fix, clear away extraneous items — lamps, ottomans, side tables — and begin moving. It’s best to recruit help from family members or friends; don’t over-extend yourself. Together, you might even hit on a solution while shifting sofas and chairs.

Re-assign those lamps, ottomans and side tables, then live with the re-arrangement for a few days. This works even if moving boxes are still piled in the garage. An emptier floor gives you more room to play with your furniture.

Refresh your linens

Think anything fabric-y and you’re on the right track. Washing, shaking and spot-cleaning will re-enliven most favorite items like rugs and throw pillows. Maybe it’s time to go online shopping for replacements.

While you’re at it, take down curtains and draperies. See if the room they adorn doesn’t feel lighter and airier. Consider swapping them for simple, billowy sheers. Or, how about shutters or shades?

Here’s another revealing exercise: inventory every towel, washcloth, tablecloth, sheet set, dust rag and beach towel in the house. Is anything faded? Fraying? No longer useful? Set those items aside as donations and get excited to do more online shopping!

Try new colors

If you’re a newer resident, interior design in Florida often favors a relaxed vibe. Many people enjoy active indoor-outdoor lifestyles, and our climate provides plenty of inspiration. Think vibrant green live oaks and marsh grasses, citrus pink and orange, and sunshine yellow.

Lighter colors accented with bursts of color are a great place to start. In fact, the Pantone Color of the Year for 2020, “Classic Blue,” is a timeless shade for Florida homes. Another bonus: now you can shop for new colors for all those new items above!

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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