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ICI Homes Named 2019 NEFBA Builder of the Year

NEFBA 2019 Builder of the Year Award

We at ICI Homes are celebrating a wonderful honor from our peers, and we invite you to celebrate with us. ICI Homes was recently named the 2019 Builder of the Year by the Northeast Florida Builders Association. NEFBA is the state’s largest builders’ organization. Its more than 75-year legacy continues to be serving the Joe Blanco with 2019 Builder of the Year Awardcommunity, whether building the best homes around, or contributing to charitable initiatives.

NEFBA membership is important on many levels. So, imagine our organizational joy when we learned we’d been named its 2019 Builder of the Year!

The honor was bestowed on January 16, 2020, during NEFBA’s annual installation of officers event at Timuquana Country Club in Jacksonville. Our North Florida Division President Joe Blanco accepted the award on behalf of ICI Homes.

Happily, this wasn’t our first such award. ICI Homes also was NEFBA’s 2014 Builder of the Year. But 2019 proved a fruitful, successful, and rewarding year for ICI Homes in northeast Florida. Follow along as we share why our latest NEFBA honor means so much.

“Home from the Heart” for Builders Care Foundation

Aside from accepting the 2019 Builder of the Year award, Blanco had another duty to fulfill at the January event. He also presented a check for over $123,000 to the ICI check presentation for Builders Care at NEFBA Installation ceremonyBuilders Care Foundation, NEFBA’s charitable arm.

The sale of an ICI Homes home in the eTown community generated this donation. This 2,565-square-foot Costa Mesa floor plan was built for a good cause – NEFBA’s “Home From the Heart” program. When the finished home sold, ICI Homes donated all proceeds to Builders Care.

This NEFBA charitable program uses donations to fund free or low-cost repairs, construction and reconstruction work for northeast Florida residents in need. Some examples are wheelchair ramps, roof repairs and retrofitting bathrooms. ICI Homes is proud to be able to give back to our community, and support this meaningful work.

Parade of Homes Jacksonville

Earlier in 2019, ICI Homes was honored with three awards from its entries in NEFBA’s 2019 Parade of Homes. This annual two-week long “open house” dates back to 1954. Centered in metro Jacksonville and the First Coast region, Parade of Homes features work by the NEFBA homebuilding community.Parade of Homes Jacksonville Awards

More than 75 new homes in more than 65 communities are open for visitors and potential home buyers during these two weeks in the spring. The 2020 Parade of Homes Jacksonville is April 25-May 10.

During the Parade, many people browse the decorated model homes and finished inventory homes for ideas, inspiration and as candidates for their own new custom Florida home.

ICI Homes’s 2019 Parade awards stemmed from two Jacksonville-area communities — Magnolia Preserve at Julington Creek and Tamaya.

Our Egret V model at Magnolia Preserve received the Parade’s Gold Award for the $1-1,050,000 million category, plus the Peoples Choice Award for Best Interior Design.

Our Brooke model at Tamaya received the Parade’s Gold Award for the $900-940,000 category.

We’re excited to see what awards we bring home this year, and plan to continue to participate in this great NEFBA event for years to come!

Ready for your new award-winning Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

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