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A Good Cause: “Home from the Heart” Project Delivers $123,000 Donation to Builders Care

A Good Cause: “Home from the Heart” Project Delivers $123,000 Donation to Builders Care - nefba check

In 2019, our North Florida Division partnered with the Northeast Florida Builders Association (NEFBA) and its charitable organization, Builders Care. The goal was to construct a new home in Jacksonville’s eTown community, on the metro area’s southeast flank, and donate the proceeds to charity.

The eTown community is an exciting new master-planned development. ICI Homes is thrilled to be one of its premier builders. It was eTown’s Marconi ICI check presentation for Builders Care at NEFBA Installation ceremonyneighborhood that housed our “Home from the Heart,” a 2,565-square-foot Costa Mesa floor plan. It later sold to new homeowner Jeff Nash, and ICI Homes donated all sale proceeds — $123,000 — to Builders Care.

Our North Florida Division President Joe Blanco presented the check to Justin Brown, executive director of Builders Care, and Gene Rover, chairman of Builders Care and co-founder of B&G Plumbing Company, during NEFBA’s annual installation of officers event in January 2020.

The “Home from the Heart” project required participation from many organizations, groups and individuals. Read on for how its legacy will impact the greater Jacksonville community.

How “Home from the Heart” works

The groundbreaking for this special eTown home took place on June 6, 2019.

Over the course of the build, our vendors and trades pitched in by donating time and materials. They helped make our “Home from the Heart” a reality.

Costa Mesa Home From the Heart for Builders Care

The Costa Mesa floor plan is one of our most popular and versatile plans. It’s a one-level, four-bedroom, three-bathroom home that balances open living space with quieter bedroom and bathroom areas. This plan also features a flex space near the front of the house can be anything a homeowner requires. An office, extra living space, library — you name it.

So, why did we donate the sale proceeds from an entire new home?

The non-profit Builders Care helps the most vulnerable northeast Florida residents with no-cost or very low-cost home repairs and construction. Sometimes that’s a needed room remodel, or a new wheelchair ramp. Builders Care is there to help folks who need a helping hand, very often with time, materials and labor provided by NEFBA members and volunteers.

Why “Home from the Heart” matters

Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of contributing to “Home from the Heart” is knowing its impact didn’t end when construction did.

As homeowner Jeff Nash told Jacksonville’s First Coast News, “It makes you feel good just being able to purchase a house you wanted already and doing that alone, helping someone else be able to stay in their home.”

Per Builders Care Executive Director Justin Brown, the amount that ICI Homes donated will cover the organization’s annual overhead expenses. Because of that, more donor resources can be devoted to more projects.

That’s a wonderful, ongoing ending!

Ready for your new custom Florida home? Talk to ICI Homes here.

Video feature from First Coast News

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