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How to Transform a Room with Paint

We probably all can agree that our homes, no matter their characteristics, are utilitarian structures. They’re refuges, headquarters, repositories and playgrounds. And, they’re meant to be used. Every day. But, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t embellish them! No matter how low-key and practical your lifestyle may be, there’s likely a part of your new custom Florida home that you’d like to plan and furnish a bit more extravagantly. Right? We thought so. Read on for tips on creating memorable spaces.Bexley-Brooke-4675-web

Create an Oasis

Pick a room in your home, then transform it into what you’d most like it to be. This works both for the bathroom you’d like to double as a spa, and that chore area that could be a more pleasant environment. For example, why not turn the utility room into a fun place? Paint it your favorite outrageous color. Wallpaper it. Hang up all those knick-knacks you collected on your European backpacking tour. The same principle applies somewhere we go more willingly — say, the master bathroom. You want authentic river rocks embedded in your custom shower grout? Do it!

Make Kids Feel Special

Have children or perhaps grandchildren who visit frequently? No matter their ages, they’ll appreciate a room dedicated to their likes. A 7-year-old into comic books and action movies will go bonkers over bedroom curtains that mimic his or her favorite superheroes’ capes. The pre-teen ballerina will appreciate a room with one mirrored wall and a practice barre. A family theater or activity area that contains board games, comfy seating and tables or counters for laptops (read: homework), provides a gathering spot for kids and their friends. Plus, you know where they are!

Spotlight a Hobby or Passion

How about a ground-floor workshop for Mr. or Ms. Fix-it? A walk-in pantry for the resident gourmand? A wine cellar for the oenophile? These areas aren’t indulgences — they’re the touches that make your new custom house a home. And, they’re more affordable and doable than you might think. At ICI Homes, most of our award-winning home plans are completely customizable. We’ve done business that way for more than 30 decades, so our designers, architects and builders don’t freak out when you say “wine cellar.”

But, Prepare for Change

What if the oenophile develops a grape allergy? Or, Mr. or Ms. Fix-It decides to become a master gardener? Remember that all kids grow up and that most move out. And, tastes and lifestyles can change over time. So consider the hassle factor if you decide to switch gears on a room’s usage down the road. Unless you’re keen on one-of-a-kind items such as imported hardwood flooring, personalize your memorable spaces mostly with things you can change, such as accessories and furniture. Timeless colors and classic designs wear well, too.

Ready to create your own memorable spaces? ICI Homes is ready to help. Begin here.

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