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ICI Homes Returns to Ideal Living & Retirement Expo

ICI Homes Returns to Ideal Living & Retirement Expo - Ideal Living ICI sm 1024x768

The ICI Homes marketing and sales teams are returning to the Ideal Living Resort & Retirement Expo in New Jersey this month.

Ideal-Living-ICI-smFlorida’s Custom Home Builder will be returning to the Ideal Living Resort & Retirement Expo in Bridgewater, New Jersey on February 21-22. ICI Homes will be showcasing both Amelia National Golf & Country Club and Plantation Bay Golf & Country Club at the expo.

Ideal Living is widely recognized as the #1 place to explore your relocation options. The expo is also a convenient way to meet with representatives from over 30 communities in one place and get all of your personal questions addressed.


Ideal Living features some of the highest ranked communities from coastal and inland locations in the South, Southeast, and Mid-Atlantic region. Attendees can also take advantage of several seminars scheduled throughout the day covering topics such as planning for retirement, adjusting to different lifestyles, and maximizing your home sale.

If you’ll be attending the expo, be sure to stop by the ICI Homes booth and learn about our Discovery Tours at both Amelia National and Plantation Bay!

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