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ICI Striders Support Breast Cancer Awareness

ICI Striders Support Breast Cancer Awareness - msabc cy14 hero5

“You gain strength, courage, and


ICI Homes has been invited to be a part of a great event this month taking place in Volusia County: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer!

On Saturday, October 25, ICI Homes employees and families will be putting on their walking shoes to help raise funds for this worthy cause at Jackie Robinson Ballpark.

A few stats we’d like to highlight:

  1. Nicole Keeley, Team Captain, is currently ranked as the top 10th fund raiser out of 1,089 participants. To date she has raised $1,685!
  2. ICI Homes is currently ranked #2 out of 61 companies and #4 out of 217 teams.

We’re dedicating our efforts as the “ICI Striders” and will continue to support Breast Cancer Awareness in memory of those lost to the disease as well as those who continue to fight!




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